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Dani’s Drink: The Not-So-Chocolate Chocolate Martini


Dani has a penchant for vodka, but her true vice is sugar. A member of Overeaters Anonymous, she struggles with her impulse to binge on sugary treats, especially ones with “the amazing earthy bitter taste of chocolate.” Hence this vodka-based cocktail featuring creme de cacao for chocolate sprinkles, Kit Kats, and a mocha with chocolate shavings, plus a chocolate chip cookie Dani orders at a fateful moment of revelation. Chocolate chip cookies are made with vanilla extract, an ingredient likewise found in this drink. The sweetness is both balanced and enriched by a dark stout, an upgrade from the Schlitz Dani’s father drinks. A little cream adds buoyancy, just as the novel’s levity balances out the intensity of its tale. Download the recipe here.

Red’s Drink: Secrets of Echo Park


A counselor for women in crisis, Red nevertheless finds herself drinking heavily and scheming mightily after Peter uses and abandons her. While her drink is bourbon-based for the bourbon she enjoys from time to time, it’s mixed with Amaro–a wine-based liqueur–as a nod to her love of chianti. Amaro is likewise Italian. Pineapple juice, lime, chili and Tajín honor Red’s appreciation for Echo Park, where “Fresh fruit stands that sprinkled spicy red Tajin over pineapple competed for business with trucks that offered tacos for a buck.” The combined effect is surprising, with a bit of spice and sour, just like Red herself. Download the recipe here.


Sasha’s Drink: Oh My God!ess!


Sasha’s mocktail is made with jasmine green tea for the copious amounts of tea she drinks, as well as the “peaceful scent” of the jasmine growing around the home she’s supposed to share with Peter. Pomegranate juice is added for its savage, bloody color, resembling the meat Sasha secretly craves throughout her pregnancy. Pomegranate is also a symbol of fertility and divinity, as it’s full of the seeds of life, a physical representation of the God!ess Sasha worships. Agave, one of the only forms of sugar you’ll find in Sasha’s pantry, adds a touch of sweetness to counter the bitterness of the tea and juice, a balancing act in which Sasha would surely find metaphoric meaning. For an herbaceous touch, the drink is garnished with a sprig of fresh mint. Download the recipe here.


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